AeolianThe Aeolian mode, also known as the natural minor scale, is noted for its somber and melancholic sound, characterized by its lowered third, sixth, and seventh degrees. It is one of the seven musical modes derived from the major scale, starting on the sixth degree, and it features a distinctive pattern of intervals.In the Aeolian scale, the steps are as follows: Whole, half, whole, whole, half, whole, whole. Starting on A (a favored choice for demonstrating Aeolian because it aligns with the white keys of a piano without requiring any sharps or flats), the scale is laid out like this:A, B, C, D, E, F, G, AHere are the distances between the notes:
  • A to B: whole step
  • B to C: half step
  • C to D: whole step
  • D to E: whole step
  • E to F: half step
  • F to G: whole step
  • G to A: whole step
This series of intervals bestows the Aeolian mode with its distinctive emotional depth and nuance. The Aeolian mode can be initiated on any note, forming various Aeolian scales. For example, a E Aeolian scale would appear as:E, F#, G, A, B, C, D, ENote that the scale is adapted (F# and C are natural) to adhere to the Aeolian mode's specific whole and half step arrangement, maintaining the mode's unique tonal quality.